Infection Control Program for Long Term Care
Enhanced Barrier Guidelines, Infection Preventionist, RAI Manual Updates, Surveyor Guidelines
2022 Book and Flash Drive for MDS v1.19.1
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Tracheostomy Care Policy and Procedure
Tracking and Audit Forms ~ Policies and Procedures
Inservices for Standard Precautions and Infectious Diseases
Antibiotic Stewardship
Infection Control Long Term Care Samples
Program Development and Oversight
Policies and Procedures ~ Employee Health and Education
Standard, Transmission-based, and Indirect Transmission
MDS 3.0 Items and Infection Control
Outbreak Control ~ Communicable Disease Reporting
Multiple Drug Resistant Organisms
Cleaning and Disinfection ~ Needles and Sharps
Airborne, Contact, and Droplet Precautions
Influenza Immunization ~ Intravenous Therapy
Suctioning ~ Tracheostomy Care
Urinary Catheter Care ~ Laboratory Services
Tuberculosis Testing ~ Pneumonia Vaccine
This Infection Control for Long Term Care manual gives information and forms to implement a complete infection control program. It includes the latest CMS regulations on infection control for long term care, a job description for the infection control nurse, and information on coding infections on the MDS 3.0. Included in the forms are nursing policies and procedures and nursing inservices for training long term care staff in infection prevention practices. The auditing and tracking forms will facilitate the task of preventing and monitoring infections in the facility. Forms in the Infection Control Long Term Care manual comply with the change to MDS 3.0 and with all of the federal regulations and guidelines updated during the past year. All of the forms and nursing care plans in the book are included on the Flash Drive so they can be saved to a computer whenever needed. By adding or deleting entries, the forms and care plans can be made resident specific.
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