Activity Inservices for Long Term Care
Includes 3 Free Inservices and Bonus Inservice Coordinator Forms
Cognitive ~ Sensory and Communication ~Wandering
Each Inservice includes:
Objectives and Outline
Speaking Notes
Test with Key
Pre-test and Post-test
Bonus Inservice Forms:
Job Description
Learning Needs Assessment
Employee Record
Instructor’s Evaluation
Participant’s Evaluation
Orientation Checklist
Inservice Planner
Sheet, Tracker
Provides essential information and material for giving activity inservices to certified nursing assistants in a long term care facility.
Activity inservice forms to facilitate scheduling, planning, assessment, and evaluation are included.
The material for the three activity inservices is focused on the learning needs of long term care nursing assistants, and uses the language of the Minimum Data Set MDS 3.0 and Care Plan, encouraging consistency in the health care team approach.
Quality Assurance expectations are reflected in the lessons, making quality of care a priority as well as meeting regulatory expectations.
Each topic section contains all of the instructor’s material and all of the handouts, so each inservice could be duplicated by copy machine or printed from the CD.
All of the forms and topic materials are in the manual and also on the CD, thus:Any number of copies can be easily printed
Copies will always be fresh
The material can be altered in any way desired